Degree Programs

Our Programs

Our programs enable students and professionals to earn advanced degrees without leaving their present ministries and professional settings.

It's more than academics. It's about the Great Commission.

Louisiana Baptist University and Seminary is organized into five schools. Each school is administered by a dean who is a field expert. We offer five levels of academic study: the certificate, the associate degree, the bachelor’s degree, the master’s degree, and the doctoral degree.

We design each program to suggest a curriculum that we know to fill most academic needs. We also consider each student’s individual learning and ministry goals. This means that each dean prescribes a curriculum to guide you, but it also means that your advisor will design a custom program to meet your needs.

Degree Programs

LBU offers and array of degree programs on every academic level. Within our degree programs, you can find one that fits your interests, as well as one that helps you meet your academic and professional needs. Our programs can be uniquely tailored to help you achieve your goals. See what LBU has to offer.

The certificate provides a foundational education in Bible and theology or in a ministry field. You will study college-level courses in a program designed for Christian laymen, and you can complete each course at your own pace from anywhere in the world.

One of Satan’s tools that he uses against Christians is their lack of Bible knowledge. The number one reason believers do not share their faith is the fear of being asked questions they cannot answer. The ten-course program will increase your capacity to study Scripture, to share the Gospel, and to minister within your church.

Bible and Theology Certificate.

Church Ministry Certificate.

Christian Life Coaching Certificate.

Christian Counseling Certificate.

The associate degree provides a curriculum light in general education and heavy in biblical and theological studies. Because the program can be completed in half the time of a bachelor degree, and at your own pace from anywhere in the world, it is an excellent way to begin your college education.

Associate Degree in Biblical Studies.

The bachelor degree provides a general education and a broad biblical and theological education, along with specialization in one of the Schools. You can complete the entire program at your own pace from anywhere in the world.

We offer bachelor degrees in biblical studies, counseling, communication, and education. We also offer the bachelor degree delivered entirely in Español. Those who are called to a specific ministry can choose a concentration within the School of Biblical Studies such as pastoral ministry, children’s ministry, or missions.

Bachelor Degree in Biblical Studies.

Bachelor Degree in Christian Counseling.

Bachelor Degree in Christian Leadership.

Bachelor Degree in Christian Education.

Bachelor degrees delivered entirely in Español.

The master degree provides specialized education at a higher level than the traditional college curriculum. Like all of our programs, you can complete the master degree at your own pace from anywhere in the world.

We offer master degrees in counseling, communication, and education. We also offer the master degree delivered entirely in Español. The Seminary offers four master degrees that specialize in Bible, theology, or ministry.

Louisiana Baptist University and Seminary specializes in customizing graduate programs based upon your goals and circumstances. Your graduate advisor will suggest courses based upon your academic and practical goals. Our graduate programs allow you to earn a master degree while continuing in your current profession and ministry.

Master of Arts in Biblical Studies.

Master of Ministry.

Master of Theological Studies

Master of Divinity.

Master of Arts in Christian Counseling.

Master of Arts in Global Missional Leadership.

Master of Arts in Christian Education.

Master degrees delivered entirely in Español.

The doctoral degree provides the highest level of specialized education. Some doctoral degrees emphasize ministry and practice while others emphasize academics and research. All our doctoral programs can be completed at your own pace from anywhere in the world.

We offer the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in counseling, leadership, and education. We also offer the doctoral degree delivered entirely in Español. The Seminary offers the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). Seminary doctoral students can specialize in Bible, theology, Old Testament, or New Testament.

Louisiana Baptist University and Seminary specializes in customizing doctoral programs based upon your goals and circumstances. Your doctoral advisor will suggest courses and research projects based upon your academic and practical goals. Our doctoral programs allow you to earn the highest degree in your field while continuing in your current profession and ministry.

Doctor of Ministry.

Doctor of Philosophy in Theology.

Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling.

Doctor of Philosophy in Global Missional Leadership.

Doctor of Religious Education.

Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education

Doctoral degrees delivered entirely in Español.

2024 Course Catalog

LBU Is best for you because we offer:

  • Individualized education plans designed to meet each student’s goals.
  • A friendly administration committed to serving each student.
  • Degrees that can be completed from anywhere in the world.
  • An interest-free payment plan that is affordable.
  • Degree programs in Spanish at all levels from bachelor’s degrees to doctoral degrees.

Our Academic Catalog will give you the information you need to know more about LBU, more about how to become a student, and more about our degree programs.

Experience LBU

Pursue your potential at an institution dedicated to academic excellence and Christian service.

Program Options

We offer On-Campus in-person courses, E-Campus live online courses, Synchronous Courses, Independent Study Courses, and Seminars.

Admission Information

LBU's admissions counselors are ready to guide you through the application process, answer your questions, and ensure a smooth transition to LBU.

Apply Now

Ready to take the next step toward joining LBU? Click below to begin your application process and explore the amazing opportunities that await you. Apply now!

Dr. Jeff Price

Bible & Director of Latin America

Jeff Price serves as the Dean of the Bible Department and the Latin America Director at Louisiana Baptist University. With over two decades of missionary experience alongside his wife, Sandra, he has worked extensively in American Samoa and Bolivia. Since 2018, Jeff has been the Latin America Director for Baptist International Outreach, collaborating with missionaries across numerous Latin American regions. His passion lies in equipping pastors both in the United States and abroad, empowering them to lead their congregations in spreading the Gospel. Jeff plays an active and personal role in church ministries in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Uruguay, striving to advance the work of The Great Commission. He earned his Bachelor of Science from Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, in 1997, and holds a Master of Arts, Master of Divinity, and Master of Sacred Theology from Liberty University.