Global Missional Leadership

Global Missional Leadership

Global Missional Leadership

Global Missional Leadership

The purpose of Global Missional Leadership is to train men and women to be effective communicators of the truth as they lead others. It offers the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership, the Master of Arts in Global Missional Leadership, and the Doctor of Philosophy in Global Missional Leadership. Each of the three programs can be completed from anywhere in the world.

Your communication and leadership studies at Louisiana Baptist University will establish a solid academic foundation grounded in Christian principles that will prepare you for the challenges of the modern world. These programs are ideal for those who work in a non-profit organization, operate a business, serve as an executive pastor, or are engaged in professional leadership.

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts in Christian Leadership is designed for students interested in working with people and groups in a variety of fields. The art of communicating effectively is the basis for any organization. No matter what your career goals are, communication is an essential skill to have. You will be introduced to conflict management, leadership, team problem-solving, and other communication exchanges.

Recommended for those called to a ministry of leadership within the local church or as preparation for a professional vocation. You will study Bible and theology to form a foundation. Then you will develop specific leadership and communication skills within the concentration courses. The electives will allow you to study a specialty within the disciplines. A minor can be earned when a minimum of fifteen credit hours are completed in a particular discipline.


Orientation: 3 Hours


General Studies Requirements: 30 Hours

         English I

         English II

         Literature Elective

         Fundamentals of Speech

         History Elective

         History Elective

         Science Elective

         Science Elective

         Social Studies Elective

         Social Studies Elective


Bible Requirements: 36 Hours

         Old Testament Survey

         New Testament Survey


         Personal Evangelism

         Systematic Theology I

         Systematic Theology II

         Major and Minor Prophets

         Wisdom Literature

         The Four Gospels

         The General Epistles

         Pauline Epistles

         Acts of the Apostles


Communication Requirements: 18 Hours

         Effective Verbal Communication

         Creative Writing

         Marketing Communications I

         Marketing Communications II

         Human Relations in Management

         Effective Public Relations


Communication Electives: 15 Hours


Free Electives: 12 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours

Total Degree Requirements: 120 Hours

Master of Arts

The Master of Arts in Global Missional Leadership is designed to prepare students for ministry, both lay and vocational, in their churches. If you seek to better fulfill your calling as a bi-vocational pastor, church or nonprofit administrator, or in a marketplace management role, the M.A. in Global Missional Leadership will help build your leaderships  skills on a solid theological foundation.

The curriculum combines core requirements with the flexibility to pursue particular interests through electives and a capstone project. Your advisor will work within these parameters to meet your academic needs and vocational goals.


Core Curriculum: 15 Hours

            Principle-Centered Leadership

            Dynamics of Organizational Change

            Biblical Requirements of Leadership

            Teams in Organization

            Personal Development


Leadership Electives: 9 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours 


Total Degree Requirements: 30 Hours

Doctor of Philosophy

Louisiana Baptist University’s Ph.D. in Global Missional Leadership is based on a Christian worldview. Leadership means more than just management. The program is designed for those in leadership roles who want to craft a vision and inspire teams in a church, ministry, or other settings to fulfill the vision.  The emphasis on the spiritual and academic concepts of Christian leadership will prepare you to be a 21st century leader.

The curriculum is designed around your current work and your future goals. While the dean has prescribed a course of study for the program, your advisor will work within these parameters to design a curriculum for each student. A valuable tool in the customization of each student’s experience is independent research.

Independent research is the process of selecting a topic of interest or a subject in which your skills are lacking. Sometimes a need within your current organization prompts this realization. As projects occur to you, your advisor will guide you through the process of initiating an independent research project.

The value of independent research is that it allows you to customize the curriculum to receive maximum benefit from the learning experience. Further, it is similar to real-world applications in which a person coming into a new role must determine for oneself what information and skills must be acquired to perform well.

Core Curriculum: 15 Hours

            Influential Leadership

            Spiritual Ethics

            Leading Through Conflict

            Moses: Portrait of a Leader

            Leadership Credibility


Leadership Electives: 15 Hours

Applied Research Studies: 9 Hours

Dissertation: 15 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours


Total Degree Requirements: 60 Hours

Experience LBU

Pursue your potential at an institution dedicated to academic excellence and Christian service.

Program Options

We offer On-Campus in-person courses, E-Campus live online courses, Synchronous Courses, Independent Study Courses, and Seminars.

Admission Information

LBU's admissions counselors are ready to guide you through the application process, answer your questions, and ensure a smooth transition to LBU.

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