Biblical Studies

Biblical Studies

The School of Biblical Studies educates those called to vocational ministry as well as individuals pursuing other professions who want to study Bible, theology, and ministry.

Ministry for Today’s Churches

In LBU’s School of Biblical Studies and Theology, you’ll learn biblical truths and relevant skills that will empower you to fulfill your ministry calling. You’ll gain a strong theological foundation, learn to lead others in their faith journey, and actively participate in ministry as a student. Our renowned faculty integrate biblical insights and ministerial skills into every class, and you’ll interact with many of the country’s most influential ministry leaders.

Earning a ministry & theology degree from Louisiana Baptist University gives you the training you need to serve in the types of ministry jobs that are most needed in the local church. As a Christian university, Louisiana Baptist University has trained transformative church and ministry leaders since our founding in 1973. Equipping and supporting the church and Christ’s mission is what we do. You are the future of the Christian faith, and we are committed to equipping you to lead, influence and guide the church toward growth and life-changing ministries.

Certificate Programs

The School of Biblical Studies offers two certificates: Bible and Theology and Church Ministry. The certificate programs are designed for those with little to no formal Christian education who want to increase their witness and ministry effectiveness without completing a degree program.

The curriculum consists of ten college-level courses that you complete at your own pace from anywhere in the world. Our program will increase your capacity to study Scripture, to share the Gospel, and to minister within your church.

The cost for the entire program is $2400, which is payable over time. Upon completion of the program, you may participate in our annual commencement ceremony. Those who decide to pursue a degree have the option to transfer all thirty credit hours into a bachelor program by paying an alignment fee.

The Certificate in Bible and Theology is for those who are in a teaching ministry or for those who simply want to better understand Scripture and doctrine.

  • Old Testament
  • Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Theology and Bibliology
  • The Four Gospels
  • Bible Lands and Customs
  • Any five electives

Para facilitar el inicio de estudios universitarios, ofrecemos un programa por medio del cual el estudiante puede obtener créditos académicos antes de inscribirse en un programa para un título universitario. Al terminar con los cursos requeridos, el alumno recibe un certificado y puede transferir los créditos obtenidos al programa Diploma Teología o Licenciatura. Este plan de estudio puede completarse en un año.

  • Teología-Bibliología
  • Hermenéutica
  • Los Cuatro Evangelios
  • El Consejero Cristiano
  • Liderazgo Cristiano
  • Apologética
  • Homilética I
  • Los Principios bajo Ataque
  • Introducción a la Educación Cristiana
  • Ministerio de Adoración
  • Los Hechos de los Apóstoles
  • Romanos I
  • Ética Cristiana I

The Certificate in Church Ministry is for those who are involved in a teaching ministry or a leadership role who want to become better teachers of Scripture and to better understand church business. Those seeking ordination into vocational Gospel ministry should consider at least the bachelor degree.

  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Teaching the Bible
  • Biblical Counseling
  • Church Administration
  • Any five electives

Associate Degrees

The associate degree is ideal for two types of people. First, it can be the initial step toward a bachelor degree. If you begin your studies here, then you will be grounded in God’s truth before you continue your studies at a university. Second, for some students the associate degree can be the easier way to earn a college degree. Rather than studying general things to earn your degree, the program allows you to focus on Bible and theology while earning your degree.

The associate degree is ideal for two types of people. First, it can be the initial step toward a bachelor degree. If you begin your studies here, then you will be grounded in God’s truth before you continue your studies at a university. Second, for some students the associate degree can be the easier way to earn a college degree. Rather than studying general things to earn your degree, the program allows you to focus on Bible and theology while earning your degree.

Orientation: 2 Hours

General Studies Requirements: 12 Hours

          English I

          English II

          Science Elective

          History Elective

Bible Requirements: 30 Hours

          Old Testament Survey

          New Testament Survey 

          Personal Evangelism

          Systematic Theology I

          Systematic Theology II

          Major and Minor Prophets 

          Wisdom Literature

          The Four Gospels

          The General Epistles


Free Electives: 12 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours


Total Degree Requirements: 60 Hours

El programa se enfoca en estudios bíblicos, teológicos y prácticos relacionados con el ministerio contemporáneo de la iglesia local. Las materias del tronco académico como Gramática, Historia, Matemáticas y Ciencias que se requieren para un título universitario están excluidas, de esta manera el estudiante puede enfocarse en las áreas que le beneficiaran en el ministerio cristiano. Este plan de estudio pude completarse en tres años.

  • Sinopsis del Antiguo Testamento
  • Sinopsis de Nuevo Testamento
  • Evangelismo Personal
  • Los Cuatro Evangelios
  • Ética Cristiana I
  • Ética Cristiana II
  • Apologética
  • Hechos de los Apóstoles
  • Apocalipsis
  • Geografía Bíblica
  • Predicación Expositiva
  • Historia del Cristianismo I
  • Historia Bautista
  • Teología Bibliología I
  • Cristología/Neumatología II
  • Hermenéutica
  • Antropología/Hamartiología
  • Eclesiología/Soteriología
  • Angelología/Escatología
  • Ministerio Pastoral
  • Los Principios Bajo Ataque
  • Evangelismo y Misiones Hispanas
  • Principios para la plantación de iglesias
  • Temperamentos Controlados por el Espíritu
  • Finanzas En La Iglesia
  • Introducción a la Administración de la iglesia
  • Consejería Cristiana
  • Administración del Ministerio Educativo
  • El Ministerio de Consejería en la Iglesia
  • Talleres de Graduación
  • 6 Cursos Electivos

Bachelor of Arts

The bachelor’s degree provides a general education and a broad biblical and theological education, along with specialization in one of the Schools. You can complete the entire program at your own pace from anywhere in the world. We offer bachelor’s degrees in biblical studies, counseling, communication, and education. We also offer the bachelor’s degree delivered entirely in Español. Those who are called to a specific ministry can choose a concentration within the School of Biblical Studies such as pastoral ministry, children’s ministry, or missions.

Recommended for those who want to study the Bible and theology broadly and deeply. If you are called into vocational ministry, you might consider the Bible and Theology Concentration as preparatory for ministry or as preparatory for a Master of Divinity. If you want to pursue a professional career, you should consider the Bible and Theology Concentration because it offers the flexibility needed to design a curriculum to fit your goals. A minor can be earned when a minimum of fifteen credit hours are completed in a particular discipline.

Orientation: 3 Hours


General Studies: 30 Hours

         English I

         English II

         Literature Elective

         Fundamentals of Speech

         History Elective

         History Elective

         Science Elective

         Science Elective

         Social Studies Elective

         Social Studies Elective


Bible Requirements: 36 Hours

         Old Testament Survey

         New Testament Survey


         Personal Evangelism

         Systematic Theology I

         Systematic Theology II

         Major and Minor Prophets

         Wisdom Literature

         The Four Gospels

         The General Epistles

         Pauline Epistles

         Acts of the Apostles


Concentration Requirements: 30 Hours

         Theology & Bibliology

         Christology & Pneumatology

         Anthropology & Hamartiology

         Ecclesiology & Soteriology

         Angelology & Demonology


         Problem Passages

         Covenant & Dispensationalism Theology

         Contemporary Issues in Theology

         The Eternal State


Free Electives: 15 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours


Total Degree Requirements: 128 Hours

Recommended for those called to a teaching and leadership role within a local church whether as a vocation or as a volunteer. The Church Ministry Concentration curriculum is ideal for a church staff member, family life director, or for anyone who wants to be an involved layperson. You will develop ministry skills such as Bible teaching and counseling alongside practical skills such as leadership and organization. The electives will allow you to hone particular skills needed to accomplish your ministry goals. A minor can be earned when a minimum of fifteen credit hours are completed in a particular discipline.


Orientation: 3 Hours


General Studies Requirements: 30 Hours

         English I

         English II

         Literature Elective

         Fundamentals of Speech

         History Elective

         History Elective

         Science Elective

         Science Elective

         Social Studies Elective

         Social Studies Elective


Bible Requirements: 36 Hours

         Old Testament Survey

         New Testament Survey


         Personal Evangelism

         Systematic Theology I

         Systematic Theology II

         Major and Minor Prophets

         Wisdom Literature

         The Four Gospels

         The General Epistles

         Pauline Epistles

         Acts of the Apostles


Concentration Requirements: 30 Hours

         Introduction to Educational Ministries

         Theology of Family Ministry

         Sunday School Administration

         Church Administration

         Church and Personal Finance

         Strategic Planning

         Biblical Basis of Missions

         Foundations for Christian Counseling




Free Electives: 15 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours


Total Degree Requirements: 120 Hours

Recommended for those called to a teaching and leadership role as pastor of a local church. You might consider the Pastoral Ministry Concentration as preparatory for ministry success or as preparatory for a Master of Divinity. You will study the Bible and theology both in your core courses and in your concentration courses. You will develop ministry skills such as exegesis, preaching, and administration through prescribed courses. The electives will allow you to hone particular skills needed to accomplish your ministry goals. A minor can be earned when a minimum of fifteen credit hours are completed in a particular discipline.


Orientation: 3 Hours


General Studies Requirements: 30 Hours

         English I

         English II

         Literature Elective

         Fundamentals of Speech

         History Elective

         History Elective

         Science Elective

         Science Elective

         Social Studies Elective

         Social Studies Elective


Bible Requirements: 36 Hours

         Old Testament Survey

         New Testament Survey


         Personal Evangelism

         Systematic Theology I

         Systematic Theology II

         Major and Minor Prophets

         Wisdom Literature

         The Four Gospels

         The General Epistles

         Pauline Epistles

        Acts of the Apostles


Concentration Requirements: 30 Hours

         Pastoral Theology


         Hebrew I

         Hebrew II

         Greek I

         Greek II

         Foundations for Christian Counseling

         The Disciple-Making Pastor

         Church Administration

         Church and Personal Finance


Free Electives: 15 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours


Total Degree Requirements: 120 Hours

Recommended for those called to children’s ministry within a local church whether as a vocation or as a volunteer. You will study the child development process and develop ministry skills such as Bible teaching and sharing the Gospel with children. The electives will allow you to hone particular skills needed to accomplish your ministry goals. A minor can be earned when a minimum of fifteen credit hours are completed in a particular discipline.

Orientation: 3 Hours


General Studies Requirements: 30 Hours

         English I

         English II

         Literature Elective

         Fundamentals of Speech

         History Elective

         History Elective

         Science Elective

         Science Elective

         Social Studies Elective

         Social Studies Elective


Bible Requirements: 36 Hours

         Old Testament Survey

         New Testament Survey


         Personal Evangelism

         Systematic Theology I

         Systematic Theology II

         Major and Minor Prophets

         Wisdom Literature

         The Four Gospels

         The General Epistles

         Pauline Epistles

         Acts of the Apostles


Concentration Requirements: 30 Hours

         Introduction to Educational Ministries

         Teaching in Educational Ministries

         Sunday School Administration

         Human Development

         Foundations of Children’s Ministry I

         Foundations of Children’s Ministry II

         Communicating the Gospel to Children

         Practical Children’s Ministry

         Theology of Family Ministry

         Foundations for Christian Counseling


Free Electives: 15 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours


Total Degree Requirements: 120 Hours


Recommended for those called to student ministry within a local church whether as a vocation or as a volunteer. You will study the youth development process and develop ministry skills such as Bible teaching and the counseling of students. The electives will allow you to hone particular skills needed to accomplish your ministry goals. A minor can be earned when a minimum of fifteen credit hours are completed in a particular discipline.

Orientation: 3 Hours


General Studies Requirements: 30 Hours

         English I

         English II

         Literature Elective

         Fundamentals of Speech

         History Elective

         History Elective

         Science Elective

         Science Elective

         Social Studies Elective

         Social Studies Elective


Bible Requirements: 36 Hours

         Old Testament Survey

         New Testament Survey


         Personal Evangelism

         Systematic Theology I

         Systematic Theology II

         Major and Minor Prophets

         Wisdom Literature

         The Four Gospels

         The General Epistles

         Pauline Epistles

         Acts of the Apostles


Concentration Requirements: 30 Hours

         Introduction to Educational Ministries

         Teaching in Educational Ministries

         Sunday School Administration

         Human Development

         Foundation for Student Ministry

         Philosophy of Student Ministries Leadership

         Bible-Based Student Ministry

         Practical Student Ministry

         Theology of Family Ministry

         Foundations for Christian Counseling


Free Electives: 15 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours


Total Degree Requirements: 120 Hours

Recommended for those called to intercultural ministry both at home and abroad. You will study the Bible and theology both in your core courses and in your concentration courses. You will develop ministry skills such as exegesis, teaching, and cross-cultural ministry through prescribed courses. The electives will allow you to hone particular skills needed to accomplish your ministry goals. A minor can be earned when a minimum of fifteen credit hours are completed in a particular discipline.

Orientation: 3 Hours


General Studies Requirements: 30 Hours

         English I

         English II

         Literature Elective

         Fundamentals of Speech

         History Elective

         History Elective

         Science Elective

         Science Elective

         Social Studies Elective

         Social Studies Elective


Bible Requirements: 36 Hours

         Old Testament Survey

         New Testament Survey


         Personal Evangelism

         Systematic Theology I

         Systematic Theology II

         Major and Minor Prophets

         Wisdom Literature

         The Four Gospels

         The General Epistles

         Pauline Epistles

         Acts of the Apostles

Concentration Requirements: 30 Hours

         Biblical Basis of Missions

         World Missions

         Church and Missions

         Cross-Cultural Communication

         Missionary Life and Work

         Indigenous Church Planting

         Cultural Anthropology

         Preparation for Living Abroad

         Theology of Family Ministry



Free Electives: 15 Hours

Graduation Workshop: 3 Hours

Global Missional Experience: 3 Hours


Total Degree Requirements: 120 Hours

El programa para la Licenciatura requiere ciento veinte horas de crédito (120). Se pueden transferir hasta 3 años de estudios previos (98 horas créditos) de otro Seminario o Universidad. LBU aceptará tales créditos después de una revisión. Se requiere que el alumno termine por lo menos treinta (30) horas crédito en LBU. Este plan de estudio pude completarse en cuatro años, no obstante, al final depende del ritmo de estudio.

Estudios Generales Requeridos: 27 Horas

     Gramática Española

     Orientación Literatura Cristiana I

     Historia del Cristianismo I

     Historia del Cristianismo II

     Finanzas en la iglesia

     Principios Bajo Ataque




Estudios Bíblicos Requeridos: 45 Horas

     Sinopsis del Nuevo Testamento

     Sinopsis del Antiguo Testamento

     El Pentateuco

     Libros Históricos I

     Libros Históricos II


     Homilética I

     Homilética II

     Los Cuatro Evangelios

     Hechos de los Apóstoles

     Introducción a los Idiomas Bíblicos

     Ética Cristiana I

     Ética Cristiana II

     Evangelismo Personal

     Evangelismo y Misiones Hispanas


Estudios Teológicos Requeridos: 12 Horas

     Teología Sistemática I: Teología – Bibliología

     Teología Sistemática II:Cristología – Neumatología

     Teología Sistemática III: Eclesiología –Soteriología



Cursos Electivos de las siguientes áreas (Debe elegir 10 materias) 30 Horas

     Liderazgo Cristiano

     Educación Cristiana

     Ministerio de la Iglesia


Experiencia Misional Global: 3 Horas
Talleres de Graduación: 3 Horas
Total de Horas Crédito: 120 Horas

Experience LBU

Pursue your potential at an institution dedicated to academic excellence and Christian service.

Program Options

We offer On-Campus in-person courses, E-Campus live online courses, Synchronous Courses, Independent Study Courses, and Seminars.

Admission Information

LBU's admissions counselors are ready to guide you through the application process, answer your questions, and ensure a smooth transition to LBU.

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